August 23, 2011

Mountainous Reading Pile

Will it ever reduce down to a single pebble? Probably not.

Lately I’ve found that my obsession with books has indeed gone out of control, yet I can’t seem to stop myself adding to the already mountainous TBR pile.
Let’s see. I have exactly 43 Fiction, and 18 Non-Fiction books waiting impatiently on my bookshelves for me to pick up and devour every word.

Some of the Non-Fiction books are in fact research based, and I really should be reading them first. But there just aren’t enough hours in the day I tell ya!
What’s worse is every time I log into Goodreads I find more exciting books that I just have to add to my TBR pile, which of course then get added to my Book Depository wish list. Hence the never ending cycle of the mountainous pile of books taking over my bookshelves.

So, what’s your TBR pile like?   


  1. Hey there - I've discovered you through Twitter and Cat Gerlach. My TBR pile consists right now of about five books on the table (including drawing technique books), three on the desk (IT books), dozens on the iPad (from Steve Martin's An Object of Beauty to Okakura's Book of Tea, with Walt Whitman Complete Poetry for fun and Modern Mythology by Andrew Lang); and Kipling, Twain and Wilde are lurking along with Ben Franklin downstairs...

  2. @Deborah Mends Hi Deborah, thanks for stopping by! Sounds like you have quite a mixed collection to get through.
